Books and MagazinesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee I've read this book a time ago in Russian and was fascinated by its style and issues it deals with. It's a story told by an 10-year old girl, who's experiencing the new world, different from the one she lived in before. The language is pretty simple and I had no difficulties to understand it, but of course there were words I didn't knew. I liked the most the first part of the book, when there are no rape and rasism issues involved. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen The language in this book is dated, what for me was only the emphasis of the pride of the protagonists. Anyway it wasn't hard to understand the meaning or at least positiveness or negativeness of what was said. And of course I liked the book, it's a very beautiful love story, when two people are separated by a wall of traditions and prejudices. A Brief History of Painting by Roy Bolton 300 pages of brief history of painting, but with many colorful pictures. Romanesque. Architecture. Sculpture. Painting. Edited by Rolf Toman Read the Painting part, 'cause it's big, heavy, and there's so many small letters. Evolution by natural selection Deadly sins Introduction into Anthropology |