Source Analysis

Theme of the project:
The Briefest History of Painting
(for teens and people who dont like to read or just dont care)

Source Materials.
Mention materials youve worked with for your project and main things you learned from them.
Material 1.

History of Art : the Western tradition
H. W. Janson, Anthony R. Janson

Main learning points:

Its a really good book about history of art in general, it has everything you need from why until how with pictures and everything, but the problem is it is too big, no ones going to read this book unless hes interested in art very much.

Material 2.

A Brief History of Painting
Roy Bolton, with an introductory essay by Matthew Collings

Main learning points:

This book is more teen-friendly, its A5 format, has big good-looking pictures and something like a timeline in the end, but its really hard to use. About a half page description about every painter, three-four pages description about whole century.

Material 3.

Art History: A Very Short Introduction
Dana Arnold

Main learning points:

A book to beat

Need for the Project.
Formulate the problem your mini-research project is supposed to resolve. Motivate the importance of this problem with a reference to source materials.

Make a short introduction to history of painting for teenagers and young adults who have no or very few interest in this subject. There are a lot of books and lectures, but all of them have a lot of content.

Formulate a network of contradictions underlying the problems mentioned above.

If you take any course book of History of Art, you will find everything you want, but those books have a lot of content and text, that has to be read and sorted.

If you will use the existing painting style time lines, you will know the chronology well, but you will need to study deeper to get to know which style is inspired or grown from the other one (which leads us to first contradiction).

If you will try to get ppl interested in History of Painting with methods above or courses or lectures, you probably will succeed and people, who was interested are going to stay that way, but the interest of people, who weren't interested from the beginning, will be low, because of the heavy books and the expensive lectures

Preliminary Description of Products.
Give a brief but specific description of products you will develop as a result of your project.

  • Time line or tree of painting styles and periond
  • A brief description of the styles and specific features, with pictures and interesting facts about each of representers

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