Information vs. Ideas by E. de BonoTEXT / TASKSThis is Edward de Bono's text from a book called "Parallel Thinking". It is refering on our way of thinking, on what it is based on. De Bono says that the possibilities are grown, now we have a lot libraries, computers, where we can create a data base, but the way of thinking is the same. We still are trying to collect the information in our heads, which is a bad idea, because today we have too much information. And where do we learn to think? Of course, at school and continue at the university. And then guys from university come to schools and teach kids the same way they were taught. Vicious circle. And the question is What can we do about that? Task 3.2. What is your aim when writing this text? How soon can this text become outdated? Who do you think is the audience of this text? Why have you separated and boldfaced some information? What are functions of this? Explain why you formulated these statements this way? Explain what ideas does each word bring into these sentences? Why have you chosen examples about insurance and queues in a shop? Answer the questions. VERSION 1 / VERSION 2 / VERSION 3 So, I’ve received some questions from you on 'Information v. Ideas'. Let me see. The first one is ‘What is your aim when writing this text? How soon can this text become outdated?’...(view more) Task 6.1. VERSION 1 / VERSION 2 Dear Mr. De Bono I have recently read your text called “Information vs. Ideas” and found a couple of contradictions according to my point of view on this subject...(view more) Task 8.2. Information data knowledge facts Information – the only word that has short form – info Data – is an Academic word, meaning it appears very frequently in academic texts. Knowledge – is subjective, these are not only information, facts and data, but also skills and understanding. Facts – are always represented as true. |